Install the VMware tools prerequisites:
yum install make gcc kernel-devel kernel-headers glibc-headers perl
Mount the VMware Tools CD (after inserting it into the VM)
mkdir /mnt/cdrom
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
Copy the install bundle from the CD and extract it.
cp /mnt/cdrom/VMware-Tools*.tar.gz /tmp/
cd /tmp/
tar xvfz VMwareTools*.tar.gz
Run the installer, default on all prompts works fine.
cd /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib
./ # add -d to auto accept defaults
You must also load perl to run the .pl script
yum install perl
Seems to go ok, untill the last bit of the setup and it asks 'What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel? The path "" is not valid. Would you like to change it? [yes].
We have the CactiEZ install 0.7 OS is CentOS 6 x64.
Hmm, now where is the C header file directory???
kiwi_nz, make sure the kernel-headers and glibc-headers packages are installed.
ok, a question from a non linux admin, can I do this using yum and it will install this?
yum update ...
ok carryed on without making the C path selection and I appear to have tools installed. Well enough to get the VM to migrate, and the IP address etc. are visible in the vSphere console.
Many thanks for the instructions
I want to install VMware onto RHEL 6.5. Where do I get the VMware tools package from? Please provide the link. The system where I want to install this does not has connectivity to outside network, so I need a setup which I will be transferring onto that system.
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